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next to 意味

"next to"の例文


  • next to

  • next     next adj. 次の, 隣の. 【+前置詞】 I was next in line after him. 列で彼のあとについていた
  • next     next adj. 次の, 隣の. 【+前置詞】 I was next in line after him. 列で彼のあとについていた My house is next to the church. 私の家は教会の隣です It is next to impossible. それはほとんど不可能だ I learned next to no as
  • to be next    to be next 来たる 来る きたる
  • next next    〈話〉次の次の、隣の隣で◆【同】next but one
  • after the next    (順序{じゅんじょ}などが)次の次で
  • area next to    ~に隣接{りんせつ}する地域{ちいき}
  • as as the next fellow     as as the next fellow ((略式))だれにも劣らず…(=as ... as anybody) She is as sentimental as the ~ fellow. 彼女はだれよりも涙もろい. (Fas ?D?D?D as the néxt féllow ?mmán?C pérson?C wóman?n
  • as explained next    次に説明{せつめい}するように
  • at the next court    次回{じかい}の公判{こうはん}で
  • at the next moment    またある時には
  • by next friday    次の金曜日までに
  • by next mail    次便で
  • by next monday    次の月曜日までに
  • by next saturday    次の土曜日までに
  • by next sunday    次の日曜日までに


  • i think you need to get to know the person next to you .
  • and draw the person who sat next to them , their neighbor
  • so , the powerful executives next to aoi shachou are
    で 蒼井社長の下で 有力な役員が
  • i hit him with a spiked shoe that was next to me .
    近くにあったスパイクで 殴ってやったわ
  • so if i put them next to each other , they get interested .
  • right , which created the puncture mark next to the break .
  • try to draw the two of us next to the enemy .
    ここに描かれた敵の隣に 我らの姿を描き込んでみよ
  • yeah , the landlady's house is right next to this room .
  • nuclear plant on a beautiful seashore next to an
    美しい海岸線でも 活断層が近いところには
  • he sat next to me on the new york city subway
    ニューヨークの地下鉄で 彼は私の隣に座りました
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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